THAT the Electoral Area “I” Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 2683.08, 2023, and the Okanagan Valley Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2800.31, 2023, be read a first and second time and proceed to public hearing;
AND THAT the Board of Directors considers the process, as outlined in this report from the Chief Administrative Officer dated January 18, 2024, to be appropriate consultation for the purpose of Section 475 of the Local Government Act;
AND THAT, in accordance with Section 477 of the Local Government Act, the Board of Directors has considered Amendment Bylaw No. 2683.08, 2023, in conjunction with its Financial and applicable Waste Management Plans;
AND THAT the holding of a public hearing be scheduled for the Regional District Board meeting of February 8, 2024;
AND THAT staff give notice of the public hearing in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act.