THAT Bylaw No. 2993, 2023, being a bylaw to establish the Okanagan Falls Water Service Capital Reserve Fund, be read a first, second, and third time and be adopted.
THAT Bylaw No. 2994, 2023, being a bylaw to establish the Okanagan Falls Water Service Operating Reserve Fund, be read a first, second and third time and be adopted.
THAT Bylaw No. 2995, 2023, being a bylaw to establish the Okanagan Falls Water Service Capital Expenditure Charge Reserve Fund, be read a first, second and third time and be adopted.
THAT Bylaw No. 2996, 2023, being a bylaw to establish the Okanagan Falls Street Lighting Service Operating Reserve Fund, be read a first, second and third time and be adopted.
THAT Bylaw No. 2997, 2023, being a bylaw to establish the Okanagan Falls Cemetery Service Perpetual Care Fund, be read a first, second and third time and be adopted.
THAT Bylaw No. 2998, 2023, being a bylaw to establish the Okanagan Falls Cemetery Service Capital Reserve Fund, be read a first, second and third time and be adopted.
THAT Bylaw No. 2999, 2023, being a bylaw to establish the Okanagan Falls Cemetery Service Operating Reserve Fund, be read a first, second and third time and be adopted.